LGBTQ+ Resources

These resources are provided in part by local providers who have expressed support for the local LGBTQ+ community and national organizations dedicated to empowering individuals with support and advocacy.

Pride Guide

Your home. Your community. Your LGBTQ+ Resources.

You will find connections to local physical and mental health providers, substance abuse services, community-led projects, and more. It’s your virtual one-stop-shop for all things Queer in our community.

Trans Project Fund

Supporting the livelihood of Natrona County’s transgender community.

The Casper Pride Trans Project Fund was established to provide financial assistance for projects that positively impact the transgender community’s wellbeing. Learn more about the projects financed and submit your application today.
Casper Pride is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to educating, supporting, encouraging, and advocating equality and growth for a supportive and inclusive community.

Casper Pride Fest is a great opportunity to get together and celebrate Pride, but don’t let that stop you from celebrating yourself and your community year-round.

Merch (coming soon!)

Pride Fest

Casper Pride and Pride Fest depend on volunteers, sponsors, vendors, and more to execute amazing events and tremendous initiatives. There are so many ways to be a part of Casper Pride. See how you can get involved.